Sunday, April 2, 2017


Cuinn prepares to leave for the northern woods to find and slay the Grey Wolf and avenge the Ghosts, but the young Ghost, Elgrin, stops her, saying she would only be playing even further into the trap set for her by the Archduke. Deeply torn, she sees the wisdom in his words, and decides not to go. Adair decides to go in her place. She agonizes over whether or not to allow him, but he tells her that the Ghosts are his responsibility and she has the fate of Taeghas to worry about. Again, she sees the wisdom in his words, and with difficulty, she lets him go, but not before Aerona blesses him with an omen of Cuiraecen.

Cuinn, Mara and Aerona disguise themselves as mercenaries and leave to learn more of the situation at Portage. They manage to cross the gates and are told by the Boeruinese captain of the guard that there is no work for them at present, but some may yet be forthcoming, and are told the location of both an inn where the Boeruinese soldiers congregate, and another where a troublesome local was punished.

They head for the latter (the Red Stag) and quietly order food and drink, and note that the innkeeper limps somewhat; they offer to help with his injury and he declines. They later leave to investigate the other inn, and find it a rowdy and merry place. Later, Cuinn takes to the rooftops to try and determine the layout of the city and the routes of the guard patrols.

Two weeks pass; Cuinn and Mara feel they finally have enough rapport with Cedric, the inkeeper at the Red Stag, to play their hand. Cuinn has determined that there is most certainly a contingent of the Portagers who wish to be rid of the Boeruine occupation, as well as their ill-loved lord, Geoffrey Khorien; she hints to Cedric that she wishes to help Portage be free of Boeruine. He immediately reacts with fear and suspicion; trying to gain his trust, they expose their identity, aided by a small show of Mara's magical power. Cedric offers to arrange a meeting with the captain of the Portage soldiers, Milena.

Several days later, they meet Milena and state their plan to reclaim the mebhaigl and attack Portage in order to drive the Boeruinese out, aided by the Portagers on the inside. Milena states that she will cooperate on the understanding that the military, not the nobles nor the commoners, decide who will rule Portage once Khorien is dead. She also states that one unit of Wilders will not be enough to ensure victory... but the Fulcairns only command a unit of archers and one of billmen, and committing both would mean leaving Wilder's Gorge undefended.

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