Saturday, March 11, 2017


The worst was not the smashing of giant boulders on the walls. It wasn't the inhuman cries that men and women make when they kill each other, or the wailing of those hurt and dying.

The worst was the silence in between. Because no one knew when it would start all over again.

Lara always ran to her father's embrace every time it was quiet. His kneecap was ruined by an accident many years ago, and all he could do was help his wife don her arms and armor these days. Lara watched as his face became more grim every day, until one day she saw fear form behind both her parents' eyes.

When the silence came again, she buried herself in her father's strong arms. But this time, it was different. He was smiling, with tears of joy running down his eyes. For the first time in many days, he took her out of their modest home, with no fear whatsoever.

She could see men and women bearing the standard of House Tyc- Tah- something come back in the city, bloodied but relieved. She wouldn't know then, that while many defenders wouldn't return back to their families, there were a lot more that did.

What she did feel was her father's arms lift her high in the sky, and her mother raining kisses down on her - she was covered in soot, and she found that very entertaining. She laughed, and her laughter was infectious.

Her mother and father talked enthusiastically, and pointed towards a group of people entering Bayside. Wilders they were called, and they were the butt of jokes said all around Bayside throughout her young life. But now, men and women of Bayside were embracing, kissing and hugging them with gratitude.

It was then that she saw three women march proudly in front of the Wilders. Young women, but no one would mistake their youth for foolishness or weakness. A red-haired woman who seemed in absolute control of herself and the world around her. A silver haired woman who swelled with power and majesty. And a ginger haired woman who strode with confidence and almost swagger, a living tempest of steel and prowess.

Nestled warmly between her parents, in a city that would live free to see another day, Lara knew that she wanted to be just like those three women when she grew up.

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