Saturday, March 25, 2017

They Honoured The Forest

The wind rustled through the yew boughs of the small grove, and the light of stars and a crescent moon painted everything in the clearing silver. Appropriate, it seemed; some of Aeric's priests called the crescent moon Aeric's bow, and just beyond the clearing, the waters of the river the Wilders called Aeric's Bowstring lapped quietly against its banks.

They stood facing each other, only five now. Elgrin gaunt and barely standing from weeks of hard riding, Adair with his left arm atremble and riddled with ugly scars, Patches physically hale but eyes haunted, Telfyrdd a hardened, grim woodsman now, barely recognizable from the rosy-cheeked apprentice ranger of two years earlier. And Cuinn, covered in the dried blood of the Wilders she'd tried to save, of the Boeruinese marauders she'd methodically hacked the limbs from to fertilize the Wilders' fields, and her own, still blooming on the dressings of the vicious wound in her shoulder. Dirt and yew needles and dried leaves stuck to the blood; it half masked her face, she looked more a bloodthirsty wood-demon from Rjuven legend than a noblewoman. Braedon and Ceara were still unaccounted for.

And in each of Adair's hands was a bowstring, darkened with sweat and grime. It was all they had of Asha and Syggi. Elgrin had been forced to abandon Syggi's body and flee for his own life. Asha they could only presume had fallen to the dogs of the Boeruine army.

Elgrin knelt and dug two holes in the damp, black forest loam, and Adair pressed each of the bowstrings in one.

"They honoured the forest," Telfyrdd said. "I once watched Asha climb up a spruce tree as tall as the Keep roof with one hand, and a hawk chick in the other, to tuck it back in its nest after it had fallen out."

"They honoured the city," Patches said, her voice quavering. "Me and Syggi were just Stormpoint street rats before we came here. Syggi always talked about going back to Stormpoint to recruit more street kids."

"They honoured the common folk," Elgrin continued. "Syggi killed the Duene raider who had been attacking Wilder farm girls. She never talked about it, but I know she did it for them."

"They honoured the just ruler," Adair said softly. "They would have done anything for you, Cuinn. They would have been proud to have given their lives in the line of duty as Ghosts."

"They honoured themselves," Cuinn returned. "I'll never forget the day Asha beat that Brechtur archer and won the tournament. She was the best marksman we had. And I'll never forget how hard Syggi trained, and how she turned from a Stormpoint urchin into the finest of woodswomen. And so we honour them."

She crouched down and tucked a yew sapling into each of the holes in the earth, and patted the loam back around it, and tears washed clean channels through the dried blood on her face.

Friday, March 24, 2017


The magical explosion intended to assassinate Mara kills two Dragon Knights, but the Fulcairns, Thaliere, and the mage Zander survive. Cuinn entreats Thaliere to let her assassinate the Dragon, but Thaliere refuses, stating she has no chance and as head of her house cannot risk herself.

The Fulcairns hear of a prisoner in the army encampment. It proves to be a young apprentice mage named Dorian of Bayside; he is imprisoned because he attempted to desert to defend Bayside. They assure him that Bayside is saved and promise to try and help him if they can.

The army begins moving westward to Stormpoint. A rider intercepts it-- it is the Ghost, Elgrin. He bears ill news for the Fulcairns: an organized and well-trained band of marauders is laying waste to Wilder's Gorge, and a feared tracker known as the Grey Wolf has begun hunting and murdering the Ghosts. Despite the warning that they have exhausted their last chance with Thaliere, with scarcely a second thought, Cuinn leaves. She attempts to go alone, but stops to thank Elgrin and assure him that he has not failed her. The Wilder archers overhear, though, and insist on leaving the army to defend Wilder's Gorge, and Mara and Aerona insist on accompanying her. They free Dorian, Mara intending to take him on as apprentice, and Mara summons an earth elemental to clear a way through the palisade. The Fulcairns and their unit of archers head for Wilder's Gorge.

Western Wilder's Gorge has indeed been ravaged by the marauders, but mercifully it is largely empty, as the Fulcairns earlier encouraged the country folk to seek safety at the Keep. However, before long, they find the staked bodies of Wilder farmers. They press on despite exhaustion, and Aerona sends  a magical message to Adair at Fulcairn Keep, bidding him to take the unit of billmen and trap the marauders between them. They trail the marauders to a hamlet, but Aerona and Mara are unable to continue and fall back, exhausted.

Cuinn and the archers attack, and discover that the billmen have already engaged the marauders. The marauders are no ordinary bandits, and fight fiercely, but rallied by Cuinn, the Wilders prevail. Cuinn is seriously wounded in the fight. She is soon greeted by Adair, to her great relief. Mara and Aerona catch up; the three interrogate several marauder prisoners. They provide little by way of useful information, stating only that they were sent by Boeruine to harass Wilder's Gorge.

The Fulcairns and their warriors return to the Keep. Cuinn sends an inquiry looking for nearby mercenary companies, and writes to Lord Tychon, seeing how Bayside is faring and asking for possible aid in an assault on Portage. They get what rest they can before leaving to find the Grey Wolf and seeking vengeance for the Ghosts.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


The worst was not the smashing of giant boulders on the walls. It wasn't the inhuman cries that men and women make when they kill each other, or the wailing of those hurt and dying.

The worst was the silence in between. Because no one knew when it would start all over again.

Lara always ran to her father's embrace every time it was quiet. His kneecap was ruined by an accident many years ago, and all he could do was help his wife don her arms and armor these days. Lara watched as his face became more grim every day, until one day she saw fear form behind both her parents' eyes.

When the silence came again, she buried herself in her father's strong arms. But this time, it was different. He was smiling, with tears of joy running down his eyes. For the first time in many days, he took her out of their modest home, with no fear whatsoever.

She could see men and women bearing the standard of House Tyc- Tah- something come back in the city, bloodied but relieved. She wouldn't know then, that while many defenders wouldn't return back to their families, there were a lot more that did.

What she did feel was her father's arms lift her high in the sky, and her mother raining kisses down on her - she was covered in soot, and she found that very entertaining. She laughed, and her laughter was infectious.

Her mother and father talked enthusiastically, and pointed towards a group of people entering Bayside. Wilders they were called, and they were the butt of jokes said all around Bayside throughout her young life. But now, men and women of Bayside were embracing, kissing and hugging them with gratitude.

It was then that she saw three women march proudly in front of the Wilders. Young women, but no one would mistake their youth for foolishness or weakness. A red-haired woman who seemed in absolute control of herself and the world around her. A silver haired woman who swelled with power and majesty. And a ginger haired woman who strode with confidence and almost swagger, a living tempest of steel and prowess.

Nestled warmly between her parents, in a city that would live free to see another day, Lara knew that she wanted to be just like those three women when she grew up.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Of Daughters and Dreams

Hurried, almost frantic footsteps ringing up the stone steps.

Round and round the winding Tower of Song in the Imperial City of Anuire.

Even before Harald Khorien had heard the steps, he knew what was coming.

"Archmage? The Emperor demands your presence." a servant's voice was heard outside his heavy oak door.

The chamber at the top of the Tower was his favorite. He could find peace there, away from prying eyes and ever-demanding attention. So close to his beloved stars, with an astrolabe built specifically to his instructions. He studied the constellations, surveyed the flowing fabric of mebghail and mused secrets that were lost to the ages.

It reminded him very much of his chambers at Stormpoint.

Yet another knock on the door. "Archmage? Are you in there?"

Word had reached the City of Stormpoint's fall. How Boeruine, the Dragon and two traitor houses of Taeghas had taken a third of Taeghas and its capital city. All in a flash.

If he had been there, this wouldn't have happened. But when he accepted the position of the Imperial Court Wizard, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep an eye out to the north. Far, far greater dangers now lurked beyond the borders of Avan's infant Empire; ancient monsters who spelled doom not just for the dream of a new Anuire, but for the race of men overall.

He thought of his daughter, who was born mentally handicapped. Cursed by the gods, the priests had said. He almost incinerated them on the spot. If the public knew, they would have come for her. Ridiculed her. Used her to destroy him.

So he wiped the priests' memories blank using forbidden sorcery. He loved his flesh and blood dearly, and made sure that she would have the best life possible, full of happiness. He kept her a secret from the world, gave her a privileged life when almost no other child with such difficulties had. And then she passed.

He kept the death secret from everyone. Instead, he focused to provide a future to another little girl. He saw in her tremendous potential, what his own daughter could have been - even though she wasn't his own. He taught her as much as he could, supported her and her family and then had to send her away when she wasn't ready. Like any parent does.

When he found out that she had taken all of the Taeghan Mebghail for herself, the first thing he felt was pride. So much pride that it almost made his chest burst. After pride, came fear. He knew that having such power made her a target. Had he given her what she needed to succeed? Most likely, no. But he accepted the position offered to him, as he had to move on from an empty house in Stormpoint.

He had covered for her. Vouched for her many times. He kept this last fact a secret from the Emperor. But now, civil war had erupted. And the Emperor found out about his omission.

And the Emperor demanded his pound of flesh.

"My lord?"

With that, Harald Khorien rose to his feet, taking a last, loving glance to a small locket in his hand. In it, was a painting of a smiling little girl from Wilder's Gorge. Full of love.

And then he answered the door.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


With Mara still unaccounted for, Thaliere summons Cuinn and Aerona to Seamist to plan the defense strategy. Unwilling to ignore Bayside's call for aid, Cuinn dispatches the Forgotten Sons' mercenary units to their defense, then leaves for Seamist. They arrive, much to Caron Duene's fear and anger. Thaliere orders Cuinn to reroute the mercenary units to Seamist, give control of both units and the unit of Wilder archers over to her, and march to retake Stormpoint; Aerona is to take orders from Thaliere's Haelynite priest. Cuinn speaks privately later with Caern of Redstone, who is also present at the meeting. He is exhausted and at wit's end; he reveals Caron is a well-intended but ineffectual ruler, and he has taken over the task of remaining in Seamist to coordinate with the Imperial troops arriving from the east. Cuinn reaffirms Wilder's Gorge's support and solidarity with him, and takes her leave. She and Aerona argue over what to do; Aerona does not want to abandon Bayside to certain destruction, but Cuinn is leery of the consequences of disobeying Thaliere. They decide to scout the situation in Bayside and make their decision there.

Mara awakes alone in the ruins of the Imperial villa in the far east of Wilder's Gorge, and makes her way to Goshawk Pass; she procures a horse and rides for Fulcairn Keep, only to learn that Cuinn and Aerona have left for Seamist. She goes to intercept them; Cuinn, in an uncharacteristically emotional display, embraces her.

Cuinn scouts the situation in Bayside and discovers that the walls have been damaged by Boeruine's trebuchets and the defenders are sorely outnumbered; Bayside looks certain to fall. Cuinn is torn, ill at ease with the thought of abandoning other Taeghans in order to follow Imperial commands. They begin the process of rerouting the archers and the two mercenary units to rendezvous in Seamist, but Aerona halts the convoy and tells Cuinn a parable of Cuiraecen, in which blindly following orders rather than doing right caused Cuiraecen great sorrow. Cuinn, already torn, changes her mind and orders the army to march to defend Bayside. Mara enchants one of her arrows with light in the Fulcairn colours of orange and silver, and Cuinn arcs the arrow over the walls to signal that help has arrived.

Mara summons a unit of magical firehawks, and the mercenary infantry attack with them. The firehawks engage Boeruine's elite knight units, and the mercenaries engage Boeruine's infantry. Aerona summons Cuiraecen's lightning, and Cuinn attempts to snipe enemy commanders while protecting Mara. The firehawks damage the knights, but they are trained and blooded elite units and do not frighten easily; they cut the hawks down and advance on the infantry. Cuinn conjures the brambles of Wilder's Gorge from the very earth, Mara conjures an earth elemental, and Aerona strikes with deafening thunder; the knights are badly damaged. The Fulcairn mercenary light cavalry destroy the enemy archers, and the remnants of the enemy infantry and knights withdraw.

The Fulcairns hurriedly make for the keep of Bayside. Aerona heals the wounded where she can and orders that the enemy wounded be held for ransom. Cuinn is greeted by Lord Tychon, one of Nentril's vassals, and is taken to meet another, Lady Oswin, who sadly informs her that both Branna Nentril and her son and heir have died of wounds taken in the siege. Cuinn bluntly states that they disobeyed Thaliere's command in order to come to their aid, and that no one else was coming; they both express gratitude, though Cuinn notices that there is some disharmony between the two, perhaps due to House Oswin's Avanese roots and House Tychon's Taeghan origins. Interrogating the captive nobles reveals little, as does Aerona magically questioning the fallen enemy commander. Tychon requests that the Wilder archers remain to help harass the enemy supply lines, Cuinn has no choice but to decline, as she has already flouted Thaliere, and the mercenary company has left, its numbers too weakened to be effective. Cuinn reminds Tychon that Wilder's Gorge remains their steadfast neighbours in their time of need; Tychon extends the deepest gratitude from the people of Bayside, and the Fulcairns leave for Seamist, siege engines in tow.

They meet Legate Thaliere's forces on the road. They are summoned to Thaliere's tent, where she (rightly) reprimands Cuinn for her insubordination, and points out House Fulcairn's history of indomitable behaviour-- from Cathal's execution of the Stormpoint delegates after loudly castigating the nobles for their failures, to Mara's acceptance of the post of Magister then disappearing, to Cuinn's ignoring of Thaliere's command, saving Bayside, then calmly presenting herself to accept the consequence. Cuinn and Aerona speak in their defense, citing their faith in Cuiraecen (who commands following the good of one's heart rather than the law) and their unruly and independent Wilder nature. Thaliere rejects their explanations and mulls over having them imprisoned or executed. Aerona asks that they instead be educated in Imperial custom, and Cuinn states that at least their valor and skill in battle cannot be denied, even if their judgment is questioned. Thaliere states that they will be given one last chance, with Mara taking orders from Thaliere's wizard Umathos, and Aerona from her Haelynite priest.

A messenger arrives bearing a package for Mara. Cuinn senses a trap and urges her not to open it. She attempts to detect magic on it and it triggers a warding glyph, exploding in a lethal ball of flame.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Anwe and the Boru

The Parable of Cuiraécen and the Boru King
As told by Priestess Aerona Morganstane before the Battle for Bayside

In the days before Deismaar, Haelyn, High Paladin of Anduiras, Chosen Son of the First House of Anwe, summoned to him his son Cuiraécen, born of Nesirie. 

Haelyn spake to Cuiraécen and said, "Seek out the the First of the House of Boru. He calls to us for council." 

Cuiraécen took his men and went to the lands of the Boru. He went before the King and said, " My father has sent me to you as his envoy. Treat me as you would treat him; ask of us what you would ask of him." 

The Boru King said, "There is a small village of Anwe peoples who have crossed into Boru land. By law their lives are mine to judge. I order you to slay them to a man. Do this and I will forgive the Anwe people.

If you do not, I will forsake our alliance, and war bands will enter your lands."

Cuiraécen knew the law, and he bowed to the King of the Boru, and said, "It will be done."

Cuiraécen and his men rode to the village, their arms oiled and ready to pay the price of justice. 

The villagers were pitiable; and they begged the young prince for mercy. Their settlement was built only of need: a great storm has washed away the village of their fathers, and carried their fishing boats to this place. To honor the sea that had spared them, they wished to settled here.

 Cuiraécen was troubled. He wished to obey his father in all things. But he could not see the justice in dooming to die these Anwe peoples who wanted only to live as the gods directed them. He found himself unable to reconcile his thoughts, and for twelve days he camped in his war tent outside the village, in contemplation. 

On the eve of the twelfth day, the King of the Boru and his strongest warriors descended upon the village, slaughtering all who dwelled there. 

Cuiraécen, plagued by indecision, could only watch. 

Prince Haelyn soon arrived, and came upon his son, weeping openly at the sight of the daughters of the Anwe falling to the men of Boru. 

Haelyn struck his son, and rebuked him for his inaction, saying: "How could a son of my heart, blood of my blood, allow his kinsfolk to be put to the sword?"

"But my Prince," replied Cuiraécen, "I have done as you commanded and lent the strength of my arm to the King of the Boru."

"My son," spake Haelyn, " Keep ever your word to your father, to your king, to your god, but forsake all for the protection of the innocent. The might of the Anwe is the might of the lowest of her peoples - to honor me is to honor the lives of our kinfolk." 

Cuiraécen knew it was so, and he and his father fell upon the Boru and slew them, and it was good.