Thursday, November 24, 2016

HOUSE VALMYRRI : Session 4 Recap

The Valmyrri women ride to Wilder's Gorge to tell Baron Calder they plan on annexing their land and leaving. He does not take the news well, angrily calling them deserters just like their menfolk, stating he will take their land regardless, and demanding they still pay the exorbitant food tithe. Oddly, he takes mercy on them enough to offer to pay Hadrien's ransom. They take his offer.

The Valmyrris begin the long and dangerous trek eastward to Vanilen. They opt for stealth rather than utmost speed, given their cargo of a thousand gold pieces; Tieghan manages to defuse a dangerous encounter with armed men in a remote mountain pass, and they continue on. They find dark reminders of the civil war everywhere, and manage to save one lone survivor of a recent battle; they are forced to amputate his arm, but do their best to patch him up and send him on his way.

Eventually they reach the lands of the Copperbornes, the Vanilen family who have taken Hadrien and the twenty Valmyrri men-at-arms hostage. Etiene glimpses a shadowy figure tailing them, but says nothing. They are cautious and bury the money outside the city, but their caution is unneeded-- Lord Copperborne proves to be an honest and honourable man, and the hostages are whole and hale, including Hadrien, who greets his mother and sisters with unbelieving joy. They thank Lord Copperborne warmly, and take their leave.

As they are encamped on their way east, yet another reunion occurs-- the shadowy figure tailing them turns out to be Ruormad, Etiene's husband. Ruormad explains he did not desert the service of the Fulcairns, but simply refused to abandon Hadrien and the men when they were taken captive. The reunited family savour a brief moment of joy, then contemplate what to do upon their return.

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