Found in the catacombs of Fulcairn Keep:
Books, Documents
- Great House Records & Genealogies - since the arrival to Anuire. 368 HC [Hogunmark: Magnild the Doomed]
- Poetry: Such as "A Snake From Within", "Hymn to Valor"
- Epics: Such as "Wraithqueen"
- Imperial Codex of Taeghan Archdukes - Fulcairns
- Honors for Moryn Fulcairn, Imperial Scholar
- Imperial Condemnation of House Fulcairn by Magnus II
- Guardians against the Manslayer - Precursors of the Ghosts
- A Letter of Regards from His Imperial Majesty Raesene Andu *cannot verify authenticity, M*
- House Valmyrri, rise and fall
- Local customs, dances and recipes
- Songs - Flower of the Gorge, The Lass from Bayside, The Bitter Bard
- Local folklore - The Silver Stag, The Guardian, Stone Trolls
- Taeghan Trade Treaties
- Military Documents
Coat of Arms
- Old Anuirean Fulcairn Coat of Arms
- Post-condemnation Fulcairn Coat of Arms
- Taeghas Landscape: Imperial Manor view [Oil painting]
- Stormpoint Landscape: banners of Fulcairn on the walls of city [Fresco]
- Wilder's Gorge - Seamist mountains [Oil painting]
- Caedwyn, Lorran, Conor, Calindra, Clodagh, Melehan, Marigold Fulcairn portrait
- Portraits of past Fulcairns [Medieval, Baroque, Renaissance]
- Portrait of first Fulcairn Bladesinger hunter, holding helmeted elf's head - Marella Fulcairn [Pre-Raphaelite]
- Portrait of Caedwyn, Vigraf, Sigrid [Baroque]
- Anuirean bust of Cardew Fulcairn, 1st Archduke of Taeghas [Early Medieval]
- Small locket of Marigold Fulcairn
- Bloodline Magic Spellbooks
- Rare Spell Components
- Arcana Library - Realm Magic, True Magic, Lesser Magic
- A treatise for creating Magical Items
- Notes on Cerilian Awnsheghlien
- Ley Lines in the time of the Empire (approx. 710 HC)
Trinkets & Valuables
- Statuettes, toys, woodcarving, leatherworks
- Hnefatafl board
- Platinum, Gold, Silver Coins from the Imperial Era
- Gold, Silver Bars
- Precious & Semi-precious Stones
- Jewelry
- Apparel
- Chainmail
- Plate mail
- Leather armor
- Longswords
- Greatsword
- Axes
- Polearms
- Shortbows, Longbows
- Daggers
- Shortswords
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