Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Great and Unfortunate Things

End of winter, 1499. Stormpoint, Taeghas.

"More brandy, your Royal Highness?"

"That will be all, Malcolm. Thank you. You may retire to your chambers."

The aging servant bowed deeply. He was grateful that he lived a life of luxury; but most of all, he was proud to serve his Royal Highness, Darien Avan. He always accompanied the Prince in his journeys abroad. His family had served the Avans for generations as bodyguards, castellans and stewards. The servant felt that he played a tiny part in the grand tapestry of Anuirean history, even if that meant serving his liege brandy.

Inside an old library, the fireplace crackled as Harald Khorien fed it more firewood. It would have been a trifling matter for him to snap his fingers and have a roaring fire all night, but the second contender for Taeghas was not a wasteful man. Besides, he took pleasure in doing simple things without the use of magic.

"That was a stirring speech you gave today Khorien. You have rallied the nobles of the Taeghan court."

"I couldn't have done it without your guidance, your Royal Highness. I received a report today that William Nentril and his men will be officially joining our forces."

"Indeed so. I've known Nentril for many years; he's a loyal man and a competent commander. We will have to move quickly Khorien, and put your sorcery to good use. Arlen Innis, Boeruine's magus will attempt to hinder us."

"Have no fear my lord. I can already hear the whispers of the land. The meghail runs strong in both Taeghas and Avanil. My mastery over Astromancy will give our soldiers the edge we need."

"Excellent. That bastard Boeruine was victorious at Ambelside; he hopes to sweep over the land before our forces destroy him. I have heavy infantry ready to outflank him through Wilder's Gorge. The noble of the lands there - Cullan Fulcairn I believe is his name - is supporting Aeric. It will be a simple matter to destroy his keep and cross the Elfwash. As long as that elven abomination does not interfere."

"Your Royal Highness. I would ask you to stay your hand and not go through Wilder's Gorge."

"Why, Khorien?"

"My lord Avan... it is imperative that the Fulcairns remain in power. There is great power in Wilder's Gorge, power that if unlocked will benefit us all. I dare say, even your noble goals in the Imperial City. I would not say this if I wasn't certain of it. If the Fulcairns fall, that power might be lost forever. I have seen in my divination that great and unfortunate things await them."

"Very well Khorien. Wilder's Gorge will be spared the sword. However, they will pay the price for choosing the wrong side."

And Harald Khorien remained silent. For within his sorcery, he had seen the threads of fate tighten around House Fulcairn. He had caught a glimpse of unimaginable power and glorious destiny. But hidden somewhere in that weave, was the promise of something terrible.

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